Tue Dec 11 00:22:44 PST 2001
I really should get to bed earlier, but here are the cheat codes that I found online for re-volt:
Set the following to your name:
cartoon: all cars traction: all tracks yoy: weapon cycle press l/r to cycle yuefo : unlock ufo (whatever that is) flyboy: hi-fi mode maggot: mini mode (all cars small) goaty: allows you to edit progress tables chancer: switch cars
Fun stuff :-)
Tue Dec 11 23:22:44 PST 2001
Finally got home. The set for the Christmas play looks much better now that we have trim and the door painted and lots of the misc stuff done. Rehersal also went fairly well considering that I had to fill in for one of our actors who couldn’t make it. He’ll be there tommorow, and hopefully we can work out the last of the minor details and polish up the timing. The play is actually coming along quite well in comparison to previous years. The set and props are in decent shape, the costumes are nearly finished and the actors have their lines mostly down except for a few minor rough points.