
Fri Jan 11 23:53:18 PST 2002

It sure looks like getting the ATI TV features will be a little trickier than I thought. I’m having to recompile X to get the new drivers built. So far it isn’t too bad, I just follow the instructions closely and make sure to back up stuff before I overwrite anything. I’m working on a cvs d/l of the XFree86 code, and hopefully that will go reasonably well and I can see if this stuff really works. If so, writing the rest of the user interface code is actually fairly easy. A bit of XML, cron, and maybe a simple graphical interface in Python or PHP.

Also read most of a very interesting article on changes that one of the Linux kernel developers has for 2.5 that changes the scheduling algorithms to be O(1). Very intersting stuff. I’m thinking I should go read it again to try and fully understand the changes that he’s proposing.

Hopefully tommorow I can get the basic TV stuff working and clean up the house some. It’s a bit of a mess. I also need to get a longer crossover cable to move the WAP over and up on the wall so it is better positioned in the house. Maybe I can pick up a hard drive at the same time :-)