Mon Mar 18 22:59:28 PST 2002
Been quite a while since the last update. Been pretty busy with work, but that’s no real excuse. Anyway, been spending some time practicing guitar and getting song lists ready for Tuesday night Bible studies. This week:
Ah, Lord God Shout To The North Behold The Lamb of God Sanctuary Create in me a clean heart Strength of my life
It’s also been nice having a laser printer to dump out hard copies of all the songs and words on a semi-weekly basis. Fortunately, we’ve gone through enough of the songs (most in a 2-hour practice last Wednesday that nearly killed my poor little fingers) that we can build a more stable list to use for a couple of months, instead of printing out new stuff each week.
In other unrelated news, I haven’t done much with setting up PVR stuff under either windows or Linux. Maybe that’s a good thing as I’m doing a bit less TV watching and spending more time practicing my guitar and other activities.
I’m also looking more seriously about getting some kind of new PDA/MP3 player and/or phone. Maybe it’s just toy-itis, but I’m starting to think that I do want an MP3 player, and a PDA with a keyboard (even a thumbboard) would be nice. The Sharp Zarus looks pretty nifty. I can see that as a viable solution if I can get an 802.11b wireless network card in it so I can access all the .mp3 files on the Linux server anywhere in the house. I may need to get a new phone in the near future (not too near I hope) since my nice Nokia 6160 has a weird issue where if it gets bumped wrong it turns off. Maybe a phone with better sync and organizer features will cover the bulk of my needs and then I can just get a cheep mp3 player…