Wed May 14 09:38:26 PDT 2003
It seems a little strange, but googlebot appears to have stopped visiting the site on a regular basis, and it still appears to not be snagging the plan files. Very strange. So after looking at the access logs, I decided to write a small script that adds "areas changed in the past week" to the front page. Which actually makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, both the photos and plans areas can’t just be reported directly with a ‘find’ command, so I set up a small script to run find and collect the files and times and then convert stuff in the gallery to proper gallery URLs and stuff in the plans to proper showplan URLs. The script doesn’t really support anything else correctly at the moment, but I’ll fix that sometime in the future. I’ve got it running via cron right now so it isn’t completely up to date all the time as if I’d written it in php, but it’s probably sufficient for now. Long term I’d like to set up a CMS of some kind to simplify the site and actually make it look decent.