Wed Jun 25 12:54:23 PDT 2003
So I upgraded gallery ( to 1.3.4 today in the hopes that it would provide easy offline album creation. Like for burning to a CD and such. Unfortunately, the install didn’t go as well as I had hoped. Ran into two basic problems. First, the configure script kept corrupting the config.php file. After a bit of tinkering I got that worked out, and found that I needed to update all the albums. Not too big of a deal, but you have to access each individually or as the admin acct there’s another page that allows you to do all of them. Unfortunately, I’ve go so many photos that it appears I exceeded some kind of 8Meg process size limit so I had to manually hit up about half the albumns before the admin process could fit everything in and automate the rest of it.
So now that it’s up and running correctly again, I naturally started trying to figure out how to get it to create offline content. It’s not as simple as I had hoped. Basically all they added was a mode to gallery that is toggled by accessing:
../gallery/?set_offline=true ../gallery/?set_offline=false
And then you can use wget or httrack to create an offline copy using commands of the form:
- wget -r -k –html-extension ""
- or httrack -%F "" -K0 ""
But in both cases they tend to pull down the entire gallery, which for me is currently around 2GB of space. Not exactly something that will fit easily on a CD. It’s unclear if there’s a clever way around this, but I’ve found a gallery forum thread on the topic and I’m asking the person who wrote the docs. Hopefully he (or she) will have some insight on how to approach the problem.